Important Information about Re-Opening

Important Information about Re-Opening As you know from the Government announcements this week places of worship can re-open from the lockdown after December 2nd, this means that St Michael’s will be open for Mass on Thursday 3rd December and from then onwards. During the lockdown some changes have been made to improve our safety at … [Read more…]


CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF ENGLAND AND WALES Statement from the President and the Vice-President of the Conference on the Prime Minister’s Statement Saturday 31st October 2020 This evening, the Prime Minister announced further widespread restrictions in England beginning on Thursday 5th November. The Government have published their New National Restrictions Guidance on their website here. … [Read more…]

Reminder about procedures for attending Mass

Reminder about procedures for attending Mass This is a little reminder about procedures at St Michael’s, these are even more important now the church is fuller and the numbers of cases is rising nationwide, we must remain careful and vigilant. Also the weather is not so good, so some weeks you cannot queue outside easily. … [Read more…]

Parish Report 2019

Parish Report 2019 The beginning of 2020 has been very difficult for all of us, with much of our lives and our parish life on hold because of the corona virus and lockdown, so I apologise that this report is so late coming to you and that a parish meeting has not been possible. In … [Read more…]

Email to Book for Mass

There are three masses available each Sunday. Please book for you to attend Mass.  Send an email to: The email should contain: The Date & Time of Mass you would like to attend. Number of people in the household attending Please state if you would like to volunteer to be steward. *  If you … [Read more…]