Private Prayer to discontinue

As we are now open again for Mass, we will not continue to open for private prayer on Wednesdays and Sundays.  Many thanks to those who gave their time to be stewards while the church was open.

Attending Mass on Sunday

Mass on Sunday: it will be lovely to have some back in the church for Sunday Mass after so long, I am sure many of you will be pleased to be at Mass. We have approximately 50 seats and over 300 people at Mass each Sunday. I have added a Mass to give greater capacity, … [Read more…]

Guidance for the Celebration of Mass

Guidance for the Celebration of Mass 1 Introduction The Government has announced that from 4th July 2020, communal acts of worship will be allowed in our Catholic Churches. This guidance, issued by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales for the Celebration of Mass, assumes that the general guidance published by the Conference, based on … [Read more…]