This is an information page for each of the Holy Sacraments offered by St. Michael’s Church.
Sacraments and other services
The Seven Sacraments are symbols of the presence of God during our Christian pilgrimage. They are powerful, effecting what is signified. They are the actions of Jesus in the Church Today. The Latin word ‘sacer’ means holy and indicates the reverence which we attach to these special rituals and moments of grace.
The Sacrament of Baptism
The Christian journey begins with baptism. Jesus was baptised in the Jordan river. Baptism is administered with the words ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.’ It effects the forgiveness of sin (both original and personal) and confers the Holy Spirit.
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconcilation
The sacrament offers Chrsitians who sin after Baptism God’s forgiveness and reconcilation with the Church. This is a key point of Jesus’ life and ministry. The priest, in the person of Christ and representing the Church, absolves sin and gives a penance.
Confessions are available on Saturday morning at 10.00
First Confession and First Holy Communion
The children have now started with their Sunday catechism. To strengthen the children’s faith, they are encouraged together with their parents to be present at Mass every sunday. Please have a look at our newsletter for other information.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist
The Eucharist, sometimes called the Sacrifice of the Mass, is both the source and summit of the Christian life. People father with the priest to pray and hear passages from the Scriptures. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the words of Jesus the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
The bishop or delegated priest confirms by anointing with oil of Chrism and laying hands on the baptised Christian. This ‘seals’ the commitment of the Christian to their faith; they receive the fullness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Young adults aged 13 and above who have not been confirmed should talk to Father Philip if they wish to receive the Sacrament. They will also have to undergo Catechism to the faith.
The Sacrament of Marriage
When a man and woman marry they make a solemn covenant with each other, usually in the hope of having children to form a family. The sacrament, witnessed by a priest or deacon, is conferred by the individuals on each other, is indissoluble and for life.
The Sacrament of Ordination
Bishops, priests and deacons form the ordained ministry. The bishop and priest may administer the sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconcilation and Penance, the Sacrament of the Sick, celebrate the Eucharist and bless and witness marriages. Bishops may ordain others to the ordained ministry. Deacons may baptise and witness marriages. All preach the Word of God.
The Sacrament of the Sick
The Gospel recounts how Jesus healed the sick. The priest prays with the ill person, anoints them with the blessed olive oil and blesses them. The Sacrament brings comfort to the sick effecting spiritual (and sometimes physical) healing.
Anointing and Holy Communion for the Sick
Pastoral visits to the sick and housebound will continue as they wish and as long as they are not self-isolating. This also depends on Fr Philip staying free of the virus. We can also do much on the phone, supporting each other and asking for help if necessary. If you need visits, please phone to ask.
We are now allowed to have Funerals in the Church again, both a Funeral Mass and a Funeral Service. There are Government limits on the numbers attending, at present the limit is 60 people; this applies to the Church and also to any refreshments you might wish to have after the Funeral.
For further information, please click on the Sacraments below:
First Communion and First Confession
Sacrament for the Sick
Sacrament for the Dying
This page is still under construction. Some text have been taken from Appendix Six of The Christian LIfe