Free Therapy

My name is Rosalind Bubb, I am a parishioner at St Michael’s and I am in the 11.00 am Mass music group, I am also an experienced and qualified therapist offering free, emotional support sessions to nurses, doctors and clinical staff in the UK.

Are you feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed or scared?Would you like a free support session, to help you feel better able to cope with the demands of the current situation?

A Sister I recently supported wrote this:

“I am an Intensive Care Sister working caring for the sickest Covid patients in the hospital. I was grateful to Rosalind for offering me a free tapping session to cope with my own anxieties relating to looking after so many very sick patients whilst also supporting staff who have never worked in Intensive Care before.

After the session I felt calmer and more confident and ready to tackle the challenges of my next shift. Thank you very much.” HR

As a therapist I’ve been in practice for 16 years, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) known as “tapping”. EFT can be thought of as “emotional first aid, at your fingertips”. 

New research** published recently has shown that EFT tapping reduces cortisol in the body by 43%. The researchers concluded that “EFT can be an efficient and effective short-term treatment for reducing biological markers of stress.” 

When we use tapping together it can really help to change the way you feel. 

I have created a 90-second video, which introduces me and what I’m offering here:

I’m giving you the titles and YouTube links here, in case you would like to pass this information on. (They are designed to be shared as widely as possible.)

“Easier breathing with EFT Tapping” –

“Loved-One in hospital: comforting EFT Tapping to ease anxiety” –


[5 minute] “Support for medics, EFT Tapping: feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed” –

“Financial worries: EFT Tapping support, for concerns about the economy & livelihoods” –

“Easing fear about the coronavirus, using EFT tapping” –

If you have any questions, or would like to talk about any of this, please feel free to email me at

If you would like to book a free 60-minute therapy support session, please click on this link and it will take you to my online calendar, where you can schedule a free session with me:

If you have any questions, do please be in touch, and please pass this email on to anyone who you think might find it useful.

Kind regards,

Rosalind Bubb

Dip Clin Hyp MNLP, EFT, TAT Professional

Accredited Certified EFT International Master Trainer