Peace Sunday

A donation from our Parish will be sent to Pax Christi, the Catholic Organisation working for peace. If you wish to make a donation, there are some gift aid envelopes near both doors, please use them and place your donation in the collection, it will get to the right place.

Christian Unity Week

This is celebrated during the week beginning 20th January and there will be a lunchtime prayer at 12:30-13:00 everyday that week held in St. Michael’s Church. I hope you will try to come to some of the days of prayer for this very important intention of Christian Unity.

Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes

Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes to mark the World Day of Prayer for the asick will be celebrated by Bishop Alan is on Saturday 8th February at 11:30 in St. John’s Cathedral in Norwich. During the Mass, the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick will be available for those who need it. Light refreshments will … [Read more…]

Dowry of Mary

For nearly 1,000 years, England has been called the Dowry of Mary and on Sunday 29th March England will be rededicated as “Dowry of Mary”. This will happen in every Catholic Cathedral and at Walsingham. We are asked to prepare for this by saying the Angelus after weekday Mass. We will begin to do this … [Read more…]

Sunday of the Word of God

Pope Francis has instituted a formal Sunday of the Word of God. It will be celebrated on the third Sunday of ordinary time this year 26th January. To mark this day, all parishes are asked to re-commission their Readers at Mass. I invited all Readers, including those who only read at weekday Mass to come … [Read more…]