Racial Justice Sunday

Racial Justice Sunday is kept today by the Church in Engalnd & Wales; the theme is “You are at the heart of the Church” and celebrated the contribution travelling communities make to the Church in England & Wales. This is a good opportunity to think and pray about racism experienced by fellow Catholics in the … [Read more…]

Mass Intentions

It is a very good and prayerful thing to have a Mass offered for your deceased relatives and also for any friends or family who are in any kind of trouble. There are some white envelopes near both doors for you to use to request a Mass to be said, simply fill in the details … [Read more…]

Gift Aid Envelopes

Gift Aid envelopes for this year are available this weekend, please remember to collect your set. If you do not yet use envelopes for your donation to the Church collection, please think about doing so and begin this week. I encourage you to sign a Gift Aid form if you pay tax and give money … [Read more…]

Church Flowers

We all like to see the Church decorated with flowers on Sundays, but they do not just arrive there. We are very grateful to sa small group of ladies who arrange the flowers for us to make the Church look loved and cared for. We need some new helpers to go on a rota to … [Read more…]

White Flower Collection

This is to support the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children working on our behalf for life issues and in particular to oppose the decriminalisation of abortion. This collection will be made next weekend 25th/26th January. Details are available at both doors.