Christian Unity Week

Christian Unity Week daily prayer times for this year are at the Methodist Church in the High Street, Monday to Friday from 12:30-13:00.  It is very easy to drop in one day if you are in town, so we hope that you will try to represent St. Michael’s on one of those days.

National Cycle of Prayer

During Ordinary Time until Lent you are asked to remember the following intentions in your prayers: peace on earth, racial injustice, Christian unity, the sick and those who care for them and the unemployed.

Journey in Faith

The journey in faith will restart on Friday 18th January at 19:14 in the GS Room. We have a slightly later start to enable the Confirmation group to conclude.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Bishop Alan will come to St. Michael’s to confirm some of our young people on Thursday 4th July 2019. Our programme will begin tonight Sunday 13th January with a meeting for candidates and at least one parent in the GS Room at 18:00. This meeting will outline the programme and give all of the dates … [Read more…]