Catholic Clothing Guild

Catholic Clothing Guild has its AGM on Wednesday 1st May at 14:00 at the Church Hall, Exeter Road Newmarket. They need lots of items including the following: Donations are requested for Gatehouse clothing for all ages and knee blankets. Apostleship of the Sea: Hats, gloves, scarves and underwear Gambian Aid Through Education (GATE): Children and … [Read more…]

Chrism Mass

This beautiful Mass is a gathering of people and priests from every parish in the Diocese with our Bishop for the blessing of all the Holy Oils used during the year and for the priests to re-commit themselves to the service of the Church. The Mass takes place on Tuesday 16th April at 19:00 in … [Read more…]

DEC Appeal for Mozambique

We will suspend our Lent Collection next week: the bucket on the font will be for the special appeal following Cyclone Idai in South East Africa. CAFOD is part of the DEC so we will channel our gift through them. We hope to have Gift Aid envelopes by then.

Family Fast Day

Family Fast Day is on Friday 15th March. You are invited to have a simple meal and donate the saving to CAFOD. Gift Aid envelopes are at the back of the Church for the collection next weekend.


Bishop Alan will be coming to St Michael’s on 4th July to confirm 13 of our young people who are shown in the picture. They are now preparing to receive this sacrament and are attending sessions on a Friday evening following the Diocesan programme in the YouCat series for young people. This is a very … [Read more…]