Set Your Faith Alight at Glow

A dynamic day of faith for 12-18 years old at St. Laurence’s Primary School, Arbury Road Cambridge, CB4 2JX on Sunday 15th March, beginning with Sunday Mass at 09:30, ending at 17:00. An event run by the Ignite Team including music, workshops & prayer.  Book online & find out more at We hope to … [Read more…]

Season of Lent

The season of Lent is a time of renewal of our life of faith theough many different ways of acknowledging God in our everyday life and being more aware of His presence wherever we may be. Our Parish will mark this season with times of devotion, adoration and stations of the Cross each week, but … [Read more…]

Pancake Supper

Before we start the season of Lent, we have a social event in the Good Shepherd Room. There will be a hotdog and pancake supper on Tuesday 25th February from 19:00 – 21:00. Tickets are on sale next week. Please come and bring your family. If you can help selling some tickets, or if you … [Read more…]

Progress with Church Extension

There has been some progress over the last couple of months with regard to our development plans. As I told you, our plans received a semi favourable response from the Conservation Office, however the Diocese asked us to take into account what had been said and get another sketch for a second Pre-Planning application. This … [Read more…]